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Barricade tape is an ideal non-adhesive tape for various occasions. At the same time, a means of communication and a security tool for sporting and cultural events, etc.

This tool is a non-adhesive tape which is generally used to delimit an area or to help signaling. It can be used at festivals, concerts, marathons or other events. They will be able to choose between three polypropylene barricade tapes: 35 microns, 50 microns or 80 microns. In addition to the thickness of the barricade tape, you can also offer them two colors of support: white and yellow. In terms of width, you can access 50, 75 and 100 mm, and in terms of length, 100 , 250 or 500 meters.


To request budget, you can write to our chat, via email or call us.


Phone: 962 071 135

barricade tape

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